Don't know what to cook for breakfast? Other than egg, it is still egg.
Here are 2 types of baked eggs, good for showoff!
Hashbrown ham baked egg 马铃薯火腿烘蛋
1。把烘盘抹上牛油。放入解冻了的hashbrown,顺着烘盘边缘按平。中间按薄一点。Buter baking bowl, lay thrawed hasbrown in baking bowl, pressed towards side. Keep a shallow base at the center.
2。铺上火腿片,成浅碗装。Lay turkey ham at the centre, form a shallow bowl.
3。打个蛋在火腿上。放入烘炉150摄氏烘到蛋白成型。Crack an egg. Baked at 150 celcius until egg white is set.
4。撒上葱花,胡椒粉。吃!Sprinkle with spring onion, pepper and eat!
餡餅皮五花菜蛋 Multi-veggies pastry egg
1。把烘盘抹上牛油,铺上餡餅皮。Butter baking bowl, lay thrawed pastry in the bowl.
2。铺上培根。冰箱有什么菜就放什么菜吧。我刚好有樱桃番茄,白菇。Top with bacon, and any veggies that you may have in the fridge. I used cherry tomatoes and mushrooms.
3。打个蛋,顺便撒些盐。放入烘炉150摄氏烘到蛋白成型。Crack an egg, sprinkle with salt. Baked at 150 celcius till egg white set.