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大米的妈 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Only when my mother-in-law is away that I realised how bad a cook I am.

I ran out of idea on what to cook for lunch & dinner, 3 days after taking over the kitchen.

Incidence 1:

Hubby: "I go to buy prawns, what style can you cook?"

Me: "I can try sambal... let me check the recipe book!"

Hubby (very determined): "... ok, don't waste. Let's go out to eat."

Incidence 2:

Dinner, I volunteered to cook for my husband.

Me: "You need to let me do some experiments. Or else I'd never learn. You have to eat (no mater what) to show me some encouragement. It's for your own good, your mother is not going to be here forever."

Hubby (reluctantly): "ok... so what are you going to cook?"

Me: "Beef sawi!"

Hubby: "Is there such a dish? Nice meh?" (VERY doubtful)

Me: "It is a famous Cantonese dish." (not sure if it is, just trying to convince him).

Half way cooking...

Me: "Yikes! I put too much water in the rice, honey." - I know he hates sticky wet rice. His low expectation has hit the bottom.

But the beef sawi was really delicious.

Hubby:"What do you think about the dinner? Nice?"

Me: "You can't ask me this question, because I am the cook. Is it nice?"

Hubby noded his head (at last), showing some satisfactions.

Me: "So, are you confident now with my sambal tomorrow?"

He laughed.

Incidence 3:

Cooking sambal sotong.

Me asking hubby:"Btw... did you by any chance see how much belacan your mother put in the sambal?"

Hubby shrugged his shoulder. Ok... my best effort ... let's try my luck.

Hubby (trying to save his dinner):"Remember to put sugar..."

Sambal turned out to be super hot, and some taste was obviously lacking.

Me (trying to save some grace):"I think it's too hot, it overwhelms the other tastes. Probably it's the India chilies (my mother-in-law said chilies that came from India are very hot)."


Incidence 4:

Hsard rock bread Baking bread for breakfast, with lots of cheese & Nestum cereals.

Hubby:"Wow! Ho liao (in Hokkien - good stuff)."

Me:"Of course."

Set the timer, bread would be ready the next morning.

Next morning, excitedly, I showed hubby the bread:"See see! My ho-liao bread gets so small this time. Looks like a french bread!"

"Oh no... it's a hard rock!"

"Oops ... I forgot the yeast..."

大米的妈 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I had a bad back lately, a sudden sharp pain would creep in when walking & going down stairs. Before it had recovered, & to make thing worse, I toppled & slipped down few flights of stairs! Causing abrasion on my arm, a blue-black on my tight & a lump on my head.

I felt like I was in pieces, fragile & brittle. So I went to see dortor for some help. Apparently when we have injured muscles or soft tissues, it will never cure (or rather could reform to its original stage). So when we have weak muscles, all the more reason for us to build strong bone.

So... I went for a bone density scan! Here how it read. Self-explanatory.

Green is low risk, orange is medium risk, red is high risk.

Bone density meter

My reading is 0.7. Considered in low risk category. But when I realised my husband, who is in his late 40s, read 1.3, I started to get worried.

Damn! I can't be worse than him!

The very same day, my fridge had added with 2 cartons of high calcium milk.

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Trying to move to this new house. But it doesn't seem possible.

Guess I have to abandone the stuff I have in the old blog... sob sob


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Everyday, I have people asking me questions at work. There are not always simple questions. Things like,

  • How has TV consumption changed amid the popularity of internet in Malaysia?
  • Do you have anything to show on the Indian consumers?
  • Media inflation, any projection figures till 2012?

While some is as simple as passing the information from the left hand to the right hand. Some requires a lot hell of data mining & analsysis. Some need a crystal ball. Anyhow, at least I'm paid to answer such questions.

And back home, I have a big messy rat asking me questions as well. This one I need a "bomoh" or if any of Doreamon's gadgets could help, it will be fantastic.

  • Ling, did you see my passport? - searching high & low, finally he found it at the same spot where he thot he has taken it out.
  • Ling, did you see my namecard holder? - discovered after a month or so, it was in the office instead.
  • Ling, do you remember seeing the cable thing of my samsung PDA? - har? - still searching, after 1 month.
  • Ling, where is my shorts? - it's hanging on your hip, honey!

Am I not a search engine?

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I always think it is important to keep a recent nice passport photo (or sort) for the family in case of "emergency". I'm just worried that my family couldn't find a nice photo for my tomb stone and that it will stuck there for more than 100 years.

First impression is important, of course I want my descendants to remember the best (look) of me. Kakaka...

Although that is not the reason why I have kept a record of such photos. It's actually interesting to see our changes over time (better or worse).

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